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Product Details
Cortamethasone is a prescription corticosteroid medication used in veterinary medicine to treat various conditions. While it may offer temporary relief from inflammation and pain, its use in racing horses and camels is heavily restricted due to significant safety concerns and the potential for serious adverse effects.
Important Note:
- This information is for educational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Cortamethasone should never be administered to racing horses or camels without the guidance and supervision of a licensed veterinarian.
Potential benefits:
- Anti-inflammatory effects: Cortamethasone possesses potent anti-inflammatory properties and can reduce inflammation associated with various conditions, such as arthritis, allergies, and skin conditions.
- Pain relief: Due to its anti-inflammatory effect, Cortamethasone can offer temporary relief from pain associated with these conditions.
Significant concerns and limitations:
Serious adverse effects: Cortamethasone can cause various serious side effects, including:
- Suppression of the immune system: This can increase susceptibility to infections and slow down healing.
- Gastrointestinal ulcers: Cortamethasone can irritate the stomach lining and increase the risk of ulcers.
- Muscle weakness and breakdown: Cortamethasone can weaken muscles and bones, potentially impacting performance and recovery.
- Behavioral changes: Cortamethasone can affect mood and behavior, leading to anxiety or aggression.
- Withdrawal times: Due to its prolonged presence in the animal's system, Cortamethasone can lead to positive drug tests in racing animals, resulting in disqualification and penalties.
- Alternative options: Several safer and equally effective anti-inflammatory medications are available for veterinary use in horses and camels. These alternatives pose significantly lower risks of adverse effects and comply with racing regulations.
Dexaméthasone …. 1 mg
