Wild Medicines
Enrosol S
Enrosol S: Enrosol S is a unique inhalation solution specifically designed for the treatment and management of respiratory infections in racehorses and camels. This innovative product combines a powerful antibiotic, enrofloxacin, and...
Enrosol-5%: Enrosol-5%, respiratory infections, racing horses, camels, antibiotic, oral administration, broad-spectrum Enrosol-5% is a broad-spectrum antibiotic solution designed to combat bacterial respiratory infections in racing horses and camels. This orally...
Formula Each 100 ml contains: Alpha-chymotrypsin: 0.4 g Trypsin: 0.1 g Hyaluronidase: 0.1 g Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO): 1 g Formulation agents q.s. (quantum satis, as much as needed) Indications This...
Excel Wormer
Excel Wormer: Excel Wormer is a broad spectrum anthelmintic specifically formulated to combat internal parasites in racehorses and camels. These parasites can significantly impact an animal's health, performance and overall well-being. Regular deworming with Excel...
GENTA 100 Safeguard the health of your calves, cattle, goats, sheep, and swine with GENTA 100, a powerful antibiotic injection specifically formulated for veterinary use. When your animals fall prey...
Lidocaine: An effective solution to relieve pain in horses and camels introduction: In the world of horse and camel racing, the health and safety of animals is one of...
Actimec injection is indicated for treatment and control of internal and external parasites, gastrointestinal round worms, lung worms, eye worms, sucking lice, mites and ticks of cattle, horse, falcon, dog,...
Camel Liniment
Camel Liniment: Camel Liniment is a topical analgesic and anti-irritant specifically designed for use in racing camels. This readily available ointment provides temporary relief from muscle pain, stiffness and discomfort...
Dexa Xzo
DUASOL: Important Information for Racing Horses and Camels DUASOL is a veterinary medication containing a combination of doxycycline (an antibiotic) and flunixin meglumine (an anti-inflammatory and analgesic). It is used...
Flumeglin Injectable Solution Overview Composition: Flumeglin Injectable Solution is a clear, colorless solution. Each milliliter contains flunixin meglumine, equivalent to 50 mg of flunixin base. Indications for Use: Flumeglin Injectable...