Turtle Medicines
Lethathon: Making the difficult decision to euthanize a horse can be an emotionally charged experience. You want to ensure a peaceful and dignified end for your cherished companion. Lethathon offers...
Lidocaine: An effective solution to relieve pain in horses and camels introduction: In the world of horse and camel racing, the health and safety of animals is one of...
MACROLAN: Supporting Muscle Recovery and Performance in Racing Horses and Camels Keywords: MACROLAN, racing horses, camels, muscle recovery, electrolytes, antioxidants, performance enhancement, fatigue reduction, veterinarian-recommended. Introduction: In the demanding world...
MARBO: An Effective Antibiotic for Racing Horses and Camels Keywords: MARBO, racing horses, camels, respiratory infections, mastitis, E. coli, enrofloxacin, veterinarian-prescribed. Introduction: MARBO is a broad-spectrum antibiotic used to treat...
MARBOCYL 10%: A Powerful Antibiotic for Racing Horses and Camels Keywords: MARBOCYL 10%, racing horses, camels, respiratory infections, mastitis, E. coli, enrofloxacin, veterinarian-prescribed. Introduction: MARBOCYL 10% is a broad-spectrum antibiotic...
Matrix 6000
Matrix 6000 Does your horse experience lameness or stiffness, especially after exertion? Matrix 6000 offers a veterinarian-recommended solution for treating and preventing lameness associated with joint inflammation in horses. Matrix...
Medicaine Does your horse require a surgical procedure or experience occasional pain? Medicaine offers a veterinarian-administered solution for safe and effective pain control during a wide range of procedures in...
Meloxicam: Does your horse experience sudden pain from musculoskeletal disorders or colic? Meloxicam offers veterinarians a rapid-acting solution for managing these conditions in horses. Meloxicam: Quick Relief for Horse Discomfort...
MELOXICAM: A Safe and Effective Pain Reliever for Racing Horses and Camels Keywords: MELOXICAM, racing horses, camels, pain relief, inflammation, osteoarthritis, lameness, veterinarian-prescribed. Introduction: MELOXICAM is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug...
Meloxicam Forte
Meloxicam Forte: Does your horse suffer from pain and inflammation caused by musculoskeletal disorders or colic? Meloxicam Forte offers a veterinarian-recommended solution for managing these conditions in horses. Meloxicam Forte:...
MSM 1KG EQUIN UK: A Natural Supplement for Joint and Hoof Health in Racing Horses and Camels Keywords: MSM 1KG EQUIN UK, racing horses, camels, MSM, Methylsulfonylmethane, joint health, hoof...
NeoCort Does your furry friend suffer from itchy, irritated skin? You're not alone. Dogs can experience various skin conditions that cause discomfort and disrupt their well-being. NeoCort Ointment offers a...