Horse Supplements
Medicaine Does your horse require a surgical procedure or experience occasional pain? Medicaine offers a veterinarian-administered solution for safe and effective pain control during a wide range of procedures in...
Lethathon: Making the difficult decision to euthanize a horse can be an emotionally charged experience. You want to ensure a peaceful and dignified end for your cherished companion. Lethathon offers...
Ketamine: Do you need to perform a short veterinary procedure on your horse in the field? Ketamine offers a safe and effective anesthetic solution for veterinarians. Ketamine: A Versatile...
Equine Metronidazole
Equine Phenylbutazone Paste Does your horse suffer from lameness, stiffness, or discomfort? Equine Phenylbutazone Paste is a veterinarian-recommended solution to quickly alleviate pain and inflammation associated with musculoskeletal conditions in...
Butorphanol: Does your dog experience pain from surgery, injury, or other conditions? Butorphanol, a veterinarian-prescribed medication, can be a powerful tool for managing your dog's pain and promoting a smoother...